About Us

LGS is where personal development and professional connections serve the greater good!

Leadership Greater Syracuse’s mission is to inspire current and future leaders to make a difference in the community where we live and work. In our 33 years offering our flagship program, LGS has equipped  nearly 1,500 diverse people with the skills, knowledge, confidence and connections to affect change both in the workplace and in the community.

Simply stated: our graduates are making CNY better.

We offer three programs: the LGS flagship program, the CNY Political Leadership Institute, and Nourishing Tomorrow’s Leaders.

Our History

LGS was founded in 1990 as a partnership between the City of Syracuse, Onondaga County, Onondaga Community College and CenterState CEO. As an independent non-profit organization, it’s mission is to inspire current and future leaders to make a difference in the community where we live and work. The first class of LGS graduated in 1991.

Like thousands of similar programs throughout the U.S., Leadership Greater Syracuse is where personal development and professional connections serve the greater good.

The Flagship Program

If you are an individual/employer who wants to take an active role and become part of a network of engaged community leaders, the LGS flagship program is for you. Whether you are new in your career, looking to advance, want to give back to the community, or are looking to do something in retirement, you WILL be inspired by the LGS experience.

The lifelong skills acquired through our flagship program can be applied at work, at home, and in the community. Participants enhance their own leadership style and become aware of the leadership styles of others. Program graduates are far more valuable to their companies and to the organizations in which they volunteer. They become better listeners, better collaborators, and better communicators. LGSers have the knowledge and the courage to lead change.

Our flagship program is a one-year, tuition-based civic engagement program that informs and enriches participants — whom upon graduation– take a more active and higher-level role in the community and in the workplace.

Participants in the flagship program connect with key decision makers across Onondaga County where they have the opportunity to learn about the challenges and achievements of our community.

Our flagship program offers unique leadership skills development. Fifty strangers are brought together each year with only two things in common: they believe in CNY and want to do their part to make it even better.

Through community education and “Apprentice” style learning, leadership skills are honed.

At the opening retreat, class members express their areas of interest and then volunteer to be on ‘design teams’ or sub-committees to create the agendas of the themed topic days. Challenges in this “Apprentice” style format include working with people of differing perspectives, working with complex topics with limited class time, and working with a limited budget. It is in these design teams that participants improve their project management skills such as listening, compromising, and budgeting.

No two class years are ever the same. The “Apprentice” style format means that each class day is customized by the interests of the participants.

Civic Engagement

The common thread of LGS graduates is their passion for Central New York. With their training from LGS, graduates are making a significant impact in the community. Many serve on non-profit boards, school boards, and hold elected offices such as county clerk, village mayor and family court judge. They are volunteering at a higher level of servant leadership. LGS graduates represent their employers in the community and as such, their organization enjoys an enhanced reputation by being viewed as an exemplary corporate citizen. Further, individuals who make a commitment to being involved and engaged in their community beyond work and home are more easily retained by their employers. Leadership Greater Syracuse helps to keep top talent in the region!

Almost 1,100 of our 1,487 participants still call CNY home. And . . .  802 boards and offices have been held by our graduates.

Business Development

One of the greatest benefits of LGS is the opportunity to be connected to a cross section of key decision makers in CNY including the LGS graduate population of nearly 1,500. No other opportunity exists in CNY to create such broad and diverse cross section of relationships.

Personal Development

The lifelong skills acquired through LGS include significant personal and professional growth including the recognition, enhancement and development of personal leadership style. Just as important, Leadership Greater Syracuse teaches how to recognize and work with people with differing leadership styles. These skills have propelled our graduates into key decision-making roles in the community and in their workplace.

Other Programs

LGS offers the CNY Political Leadership Institute where we teach citizens how to navigate the political process in a nonpartisan format. For more information go to: CNY Political Leadership Institute – Leadership Greater Syracuse

Additionally, LGS partners with The Gifford Foundation, The CNY Community Foundation’ and the Human Services Leadership Council to offer Nourishing Tomorrow’s Leaders. This program provides in-depth lessons on what it takes to be on a board of directors. For more information go to: https://www.giffordfoundation.org/nourishing-tomorrows-leaders/

The ROI of Civic Engagement is a customized consulting program taught by LGS to local for-profit leadership teams. This three-hour curriculum teaches teams how to be STRATEGIC with their philanthropy and their employee volunteerism. For more information see: https://leadershipgreatersyracuse.org/roi-of-civic-engagement/ or contact LGS Executive Director Michele Diecuch at 315-422-5471 or michele@leadsyr.org.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should apply to our flagship program?

Anyone who believes in CNY and is willing to do their part to make a difference should apply. Whether you are new in your career, looking to advance, or are trying to figure out what to do in retirement, you will be inspired by the LGS experience.

How is the flagship program different than other leadership training programs in CNY?

Leadership Greater Syracuse is a community leadership development program. Participants will learn about our community with the most diverse individuals from across the community. LGS makes our community’s best people even better – through experiential learning!

The flagship program is not a traditional leadership skills training program – it is experiential. At the opening retreat, class members choose ‘design teams’ or sub committees to create the agendas of the themed topic days. Challenges in this “Apprentice” style format include working with people of differing perspectives, working with complex topics with limited class time, and working with a limited budget. It is in these design teams that participants improve their project management skills such as listening, compromising and budgeting. Themed topic days include: Economic Development Day; Education Day; Envisioning the Future Day; Discover CNY Day; Health Day; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Day; Community Service Day; Government Day; and Commit to Lead and Serve Day.

So what does “Leadership” mean in the Leadership Greater Syracuse title?

The lifelong skills acquired through the flagship program can be applied at home, at work, and in the community. Participants enhance their own leadership style and become aware of the leadership styles of others. Graduates of LGS are far more valuable to their companies and to the organizations in which they volunteer. They become better listeners, better collaborators, and better communicators. Simply stated, they develop the courage to lead change.

LGS is one of 2,000 similar organizations throughout the country who train individuals to take on and solve important community issues!

How much time is required to participate in the LGS flagship program?

The program runs January through November. There is an orientation in January followed by a mandatory two-day opening retreat in February. The nine class days are from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and take place on Thursdays once a month – March through November. The schedule is provided at the time of application.  Beyond the class days, each class member is required to participate on two ‘design teams’ which takes approximately 10 additional hours per design team or 20 additional hours outside of class days. There is no homework and there are no weekend requirements. In order to graduate, only 16 hours of missed class time is allowed.

How do I apply to the flagship program?

You can apply through this web site!

Because there is more interest than available space, LGS is selective. In order to create the best experience for each class, it is important that the class be as diverse as possible. LGS is looking for people representing all business sectors, for-profit, non-profit and government; people with volunteer experience or no volunteer experience; all genders; all ages; all races and ethnicity and physical abilities. The deadline for application can be found by clicking the ‘apply’ button at the top of this page. Every applicant is interviewed by LGS alumni. Selection and notification of approximately 50 people is made in November.

How much does the flagship program cost?

Tuition is $4,375 and is due upon acceptance. Tuition includes an opening retreat, 9 class days, and a graduation ceremony. Along with class materials, lunch, beverages and snacks are provided on each class day. Partial scholarships are available and are typically reserved for those representing a non-profit organization. Payment plans are available.