Exceptional Family Resources (EFR) Seeks New Board Members

What voice or voices does the Board seek to bring to the table to further support and advance the EFR mission and vision? Why? 

The mission of Exceptional Family Resources (EFR) partners with individuals with disabilities and their families, providing services, information, advocacy, and other support to enhance lives and foster community acceptance.

We are seeking individuals to serve on our Board of Directors to further this mission. One of our core values is that we believe every person has infinite value. We would like our Board to represent a diverse group of people, with varied experience and background who come together and share their ideas to help us better serve our clients, our staff and our community.

We have recently reviewed the skills sets and backgrounds of our current directors. At this time, individuals who can bring expertise and experience in strategic planning, human resources, law, education, therapy and social work would definitely help us to strengthen our conversations and decisions.

What are the short and long-term goals for EFR?

We have recently emerged from a huge period of transition in our history. In 2022, EFR merged with Onondaga Community Living, an agency with similar services, values, and missions. OCL had been helping persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities since 1987 with the same humble beginnings as EFR.  This has been our focus over the past few years.  Moving forward, we plan to engage in strategic planning to set our goals for the next three years and beyond.

We have identified a variety of programming, policy, physical plant, and personnel goals we hope to accomplish in 2024. Without getting too detailed we plan to continue to take the steps necessary to become a better provider of services and a better employer. We are continuing to strive to provide person centered services in the communities where the people we support live. We continue to work towards ensuring our employees can maintain a manageable work and life balance. We continue to focus our time and efforts to ensure EFR staff have the tools and training needed to do their jobs well and the opportunity to grow professionally.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact Beth Lynn Hoey, bhoey@twcny.rr.com or 315.460.5035. Beth is the board development/nominating committee chair for EFR.